New Yukon Resource Gateway Project agreement reached

The Government of Yukon and the Liard First Nation have reached an agreement to upgrade parts of the Robert Campbell Highway. This is the fourth agreement reached as part of the Yukon Resource Gateway Project.

The Project Agreement provides financial support for the participation of Liard First Nation citizens in the proposed construction of improvements from kilometre 114 to 171 on the Robert Campbell Highway between Ross River and Watson Lake.

The project is estimated to cost $50 million.

The Project Agreement includes consultation in the development, environmental assessment and regulatory aspects of the proposed upgrades to the Robert Campbell Highway. The construction and upgrades to the highway will make it safer and provide community benefits including employment, training and potential business opportunities.

Our government is very pleased to have reached a second agreement with the Liard First Nation under the Yukon Resource Gateway Project. This Project Agreement ensures the Liard First Nation has the necessary funding to participate effectively in the planning, design, assessment and regulatory processes for the upgrade to the Campbell Highway. Together with our First Nations and industry partners, we are supporting lasting investment in Yukon’s mineral resource sector in a way that maximizes benefits for Yukon communities. 

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai

The Yukon Resource Gateway Project is an historic investment in Yukon’s transportation network. This project will improve road conditions and enhance the safety of residents and travellers on the Campbell Highway. It will also support Yukon’s mining industry and create local economic opportunities in southeast Yukon.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn

LFN is pleased to have reached an agreement with the Government of the Yukon regarding the Campbell Highway which provides for LFN participation in $50 million worth of improvements. While also providing for LFN participation in environmental assessment this agreement will go a long way in assisting LFN to begin to rebuild an economy and company capable of providing jobs for our members.

Liard First Nation Chief George Morgan

Quick facts
  • Each of the Yukon Resource Gateway Project components is subject to Yukon’s assessment and regulatory processes, which include opportunities for public input and consultation with affected First Nations.

  • The Government of Yukon has finalized four Project Agreements to date under the Yukon Resource Gateway Program, including with:

    • Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation for the Carmacks Bypass component; March 2019;
    • Liard First Nation for improvements to the Nahanni Range Road; January 2020; and
    • Ross River Dena Council for improvements to the North Canol Road and the Robert Campbell Highway kilometre 354.9 to 414.4; May 2020.
Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Chief George Morgan
Liard First Nation

Sue Thomas
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

Brittany Cross
Communications, Highways and Public Works

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