Travel expense report for Premier's Meeting with Minister Wilkinson/Consul, January 4 to January 7, 2024


Vancouver, B.C.


Executive Council Office

Purpose of the trip

Premier Pillai travelled to Vancouver, B.C., on January 4 to 7, 2024 for meetings with the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Jonathan Wilkinson about mining and critical minerals in the Yukon alongside Yukon MP Brendan Hanley and Yukon Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker. Discussions focused on the possibility of a grid interconnection between the Yukon and British Columbia. This is an ambitious concept and, if pursued, could help provide a solution to the Yukon’s long-term energy needs and help mining companies meet their emissions-reduction goals. A grid interconnection would be a tremendous opportunity for shared growth and prosperity and for northern energy security which is critical to Canada’s Arctic sovereignty.


  • Ranj Pillai, Premier
  • Jason Cunning, Chief of Staff

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $1,436.92
Accommodation: $1097.57
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $575.76

Total costs for this trip: $3,110.83

Individual participant travel expenditures

Premier, Ranj Pillai (January 4 to 5)

Airfare: $756.96
Accommodation: $792.84
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $426.26

Total costs for this trip: $1,976.06

 Jason Cunning, Chief of Staff (January 4 to 5)

Airfare: $679.96
Accommodation: $305.31
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $149.50

Total costs for this trip: $1,134.77

Find more Minister travel expense reports.

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