Travel expense report for Yukon Days, February 6 to 8, 2017

Department: Executive Council Office
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Purpose of the trip: The Government of Yukon delegation joined a delegation of Yukon First Nation chiefs to attend Yukon Days meetings with the federal government.


  • Sandy Silver, Premier
  • Ranj Pillai, Minister of Economic Development, Energy, Mines and Resources, Yukon Development Corporation and Yukon Energy Corporation
  • Pauline Frost, Minister of Environment, Health and Social Services and Yukon Housing Corporation
  • John Streicker, Minister of Minister of Community Services, French Language Services Directorate, Yukon Liquor Corporation and Yukon Lottery Corporation
  • Jeanie Dendys, Minister of Tourism and Culture, Women's Directorate and Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board
  • David Morrison, Chief of Staff, Cabinet Office
  • Mathieya Alatini, Director of Strategic Initiatives
  • Lawrie Crawford, Executive Assistant

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $10,690.75
Accommodation: $8,107.39
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $3,536.43

Total costs for this trip: $22,334.57

Individual participant travel expenditures

Premier Sandy Silver (February 4 to 9)

Airfare: $2,134.17
Accommodation: $1,507.38
Other: $446.90
Total: $4,088.45

Minister Ranj Pillai (February 5 to 9)

Airfare: $1,628.64
Accommodation: $1,014.39
Other: $441.40
Total: $3,084.43

Minister Pauline Frost (February 5 to 8)

Airfare: $1,029.77
Accommodation: $764.67
Other: $535.17
Total: $2,329.61

Minister John Streicker (February 5 to 10)

Airfare: $1,012.16
Accommodation: $1,019.56
Other: $292.70
Total: $2,324.42

Minister Jeanie Dendys (February 5 to 8)

Airfare: $1,169.06
Accommodation: $764.67
Other: $350.60
Total: $2,284.33

David Morrison (February 3 to 8)

Airfare: $1,727.12
Accommodation: $1,252.49
Other: $593.02
Total: $3,572.63

Mathieya Alatini (February 5 to 9)

Airfare: $960.06
Accommodation: $1,019.56
Other: $505.10
Total: $2,484.72

Lawrie Crawford (February 5 to 8)

Airfare: $1,029.77
Accommodation: $764.67
Other: $371.54
Total: $2,165.98

Find more minister travel expense reports.

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