Get emergency updates

Find information about emergencies in the Yukon including wildfires, floods, earthquakes and road closures.

You should always be prepared for an emergency. Learn more about making an emergency plan, what to put in your emergency kit and preparing for floods and wildfires.

You can also follow Yukon Protective Services on Facebook.

Wildfire information

See the fire map and fire danger ratings on the Wildfire Hub

Read text-only wildfire updates if you're in a place with weak cell service or the internet is slow:
Get text-only wildfire updates

Flood advisories
See flood warnings and advisories on the Flood Atlas 

    Travel advisories

    Always check 511 Yukon before you travel. For highways within British Columbia, check DriveBC before you travel.

    Victoria Gold heap leach failure

    Find out about the Victoria Gold Corporation's heap leach failure.

    Weather alerts and air quality advisories

    Find weather alerts and air quality advisories for the Yukon from Environment Canada.


    Always phone 911 in an emergency. If you cannot reach 911, find out what to do.

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