As public servants and as Yukoners we have a vested interest in maintaining the highest possible ethical standards as we work to deliver important programs and services. We believe that an honest, open and accountable public service is the cornerstone of a healthy civil society.
How are wrongdoings disclosed by employees?
Employees can make a disclosure or seek advice about making a disclosure through the Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner, their deputy minister or immediate supervisor. All Government of Yukon departments, and most corporations, have adopted guidelines to assist employees, supervisors and chief executives in applying the Act.
All Yukon government departments and corporations have adopted Guidelines for Disclosing a Wrongdoing. The intent of these guidelines is to help everyone understand their options and responsibilities under the Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act.
How are employees protected from reprisal?
Under the Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act it is prohibited for someone to reprise against an employee who in good faith sought advice about or made a disclosure, co-operated in an investigation under the Act, or declined to participate in a wrongdoing.
If an employee believes that they have been reprised against, they can file a complaint with the Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner. Employees may also have other options for bringing forward a complaint, such as a procedure under other Yukon legislation, a collective agreement, an employment agreement or policy.
What is the Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act?
The Public Interest Disclosure of Wrongdoing Act provides a process for our employees to follow if they believe a wrongdoing has been committed or is about to be committed, or if they believe they have been unfairly treated as a result of raising concerns about a wrongdoing.
What is the Act intended to address?
This Act is intended to deal with significant and serious matters that an employee believes may be unlawful, dangerous to the public or injurious to the public interest. This act is not intended to deal with routine operational matters, individual grievances or workplace conflicts. These issues are more appropriately dealt with by existing workplace policies (for example, the respectful workplace policy) or grievance procedures.