The Government of Canada gives out $8 million per year to our labour-market programs. This means we are accountable to the federal government and Yukoners. Our funding decisions have to be evidence-based and subject to post-project evaluations.
To show accountability, we:
- regularly monitor and report on a project during its lifetime;
- evaluate our programs and the projects we fund;
- submit annual plans and reports to the Government of Canada; and
- contribute to and share labour market information.
Program evaluations help identify what is successful and could be improved. Evaluations show a program’s impact and value to Yukoners.
We engage an independent contractor to evaluate programs that we fund. We publish evaluation reports to:
- show fiscal accountability;
- provide a resource for stakeholders;
- share promising practices; and
- promote the practice of program evaluation.
Published evaluations
- Yukon Research Centre (2018)
- Northern Institute of Social Justice (2018)
- Evaluation of the labour market development agreements (National evaluation conducted by Employment and Social Development Canada, 2017)
- Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining 2017
- Kwanlin Dün First Nation’s education and employment training program, delivered through Kenadan Ku House of Learning 2017
- Youth Employment Centre, delivered by the Skookum Jim Friendship Centre 2017
- Employment and Skills Strategies in Saskatchewan and the Yukon, Canada (by OECD, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2016)
- Multicultural Centre of the Yukon 2015
Evaluations planned or underway
- Governance evaluation of the Labour Market Framework. We expect the completion of this document in December 2019.
We make annual plans and follow those plans with annual reports to the Government of Canada. This is to account for the funding we receive in our Canada-Yukon labour market transfer agreements.
- Yukon labour market plan 2019–20 coming soon
- Yukon labour market plan and report 2018–19 coming soon
- The Next Big Thing:
- Labour market report 2017–18 coming soon
- Labour market report 2016–17
- Labour market report 2014–15
- Labour market agreement for persons with disabilities annual report 2014–15
- Labour market report 2012–13
- Labour market report 2011–12
- Labour market agreement annual plan 2010–11
- Labour market agreement annual public report 2009–10
Labour market information helps guide planning and decisions for:
- employers;
- workers;
- job seekers;
- students;
- educators;
- career practitioners;
- advocacy groups; and
- policymakers.
To contribute to nation-wide labour market information, we collaborate with:
- the federal government; and
- other provinces and territories.
We base our labour market information on statistics available through the Yukon Bureau of Statistics.
Labour market information resources:
- Canada Job Bank (trend analyses for occupations, wages and outlooks)
- Labour Market Information Council
- Yukon Bureau of Statistics – employment statistics
- Yukon business survey 2017
- Yukon labour demand survey 2016
- Yukon employment skills survey 2016
- Training demand report 2015
- Yukon labour market supply and migration study 2014
For questions, email or phone 867-667-5906 or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5906.