Use the Art Adventures on Yukon Time guide

Find where to see and buy visual art in Yukon

Art Adventures on Yukon Time is a guide featuring visual artists and artisans from all over Yukon. Use it to discover the multitude of art businesses available in our communities.

The listings can help you find art offerings in each region. They provide details about the work and contact information of professional artists.

This guide is available as searchable, online listings on the Travel Yukon website.

Get a listing

Art Adventures listings are available for Yukon:

  • artists;
  • studios;
  • public art locations;
  • art retail shops and galleries.

New listings will appear on Travel Yukon and in the next printed guide. To participate:

  1. Learn how to create a listing.
  2. Email to request an account.

If you have questions or comments about the guide, email or phone 867-332-6543.

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