Learn about Yukon's cannabis retail policies

To sell non-medical cannabis in Yukon, you must meet Yukon Liquor Corporation's cannabis policy requirements.

Criminal record check cannabis policy

Find out the requirements for the criminal record check for your cannabis application.

Eligibility to install video surveillance system cannabis policy

Find out who can install closed-circuit video in a cannabis retail store.

Ordinarily resident criteria cannabis policy

Learn about the residency requirements you must meet to apply for a cannabis licence.

Reporting cannabis policy

Learn about the information you need to regularly send to the Yukon Liquor Corporation in order to keep your cannabis licence valid. Make sure you use our appendix 1, Excel reporting workbook for your reports.

Return of cannabis policy

  • All cannabis that is unsuitable for sale or display must be returned to the Yukon Liquor Corporation. The return of cannabis policy explains when a licensee may get a refund or replacement products when cannabis is returned to the Yukon Liquor Corporation.
  • Use the cannabis return form to return cannabis that is unsuitable for sale or display to the Yukon Liquor Corporation. 

Secure storage cannabis policy

Learn about our requirements for storing retail cannabis so that only those authorized to access it can do so.

Video surveillance privacy cannabis policy

Learn what you must do to protect the public’s privacy when you install video surveillance in your store. 


If you have questions about these policies, email cannabis.licence@yukon.ca, or phone 867-667-5245 or toll free l-800-661-0408, extension 5245.

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