Learn the penalties for driving while disqualified

If you lose your driver's licence for any reason, you can’t legally drive until your licence is reinstated.

If you’re caught driving while disqualified, you’ll face penalties under:

  • the Yukon Motor Vehicles Act; and
  • the Criminal Code of Canada.

Penalties for driving while disqualified

Vehicle impounding

If you are caught driving while disqualified

  • Once: the vehicle you're driving may be impounded for 30 days, no matter who owns it.
  • Twice within 5 years: the vehicle will be impounded for 60 days.
  • A third time within 5 years: the vehicle will be impounded for 120 days.

Who pays impoundment costs?

You're responsible for all costs associated with towing and storage of your vehicle.

How to get your vehicle back

If your vehicle is impounded, learn what to do to get it out.

Fines and conviction

Depending on your conviction, you could be:

  • fined up to $2,000;
  • imprisoned for up to 2 years; or
  • both.


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